About my current work

I draw music, musicians, motion, movement:

pen poised over paper, waiting, anticipating. the musicians start playing, i start drawing. an exploration, an unfolding. focusing solely on the musicians and their music – the sound, the movement, the pace, the interaction, the energy –
i draw without looking at what i’m doing. i feel my way around the page, sometimes drawing with one hand, sometimes with a pen in each hand. i am completely captivated – as if i’m inside the music – drawing what i see, guided by what i hear.

I make these drawings at live gigs - free improv - indie

Some of the gigs or venues I've drawn at:

I'Klectik |
100 Years Gallery | Scaledown | Boat-ting | London Improvisers Orchestra | Foley Street | Horse | FlimFlam | Arch 1

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